• Image of Mother Nature's Healing <3

All Crystals have healing and aligning properties

Czech Bead with Red Jasper and Staurolite with Bronzite

Jasper Healing Properties

Assorted Jasper Gemstones♥ Relaxation ♥ Contentment ♥ Compassion ♥ Nurturing ♥ Consolation ♥ Tranquility ♥ Healing ♥ Completion

Jasper is a variety of Chalcedony, which is a microcrystalline variety of Quartz.

Zodiac - Leo, Virgo, Scorpio
Planet - Mars
Element - Fire
Typical colors - brown, red, orange, yellow, green

Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It sustains and supports through times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Jasper provides protection and absorbs negative energy. It balances yin and yang. Jasper clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution, including radiation. It encourages honesty with one's self. Provides courage to assertively tackle problems. Aids quick-thinking and promotes organizational abilities. Jasper stimulates the imagination and transforms ideas into action. Prolongs sexual pleasure. It supports during prolonged illness and re-energizes the body.

Staurolite stones are quite unique in that they naturally form a cross within the stone.

They are also known as fairy stones or as the fairy cross because they embody an energy that will help you to make contact with beings from the natural world.

They have a soothing calming energy that helps to relieve stress, anxiety and fear, and they are useful to help you to stop smoking.

These cross stones also have other excellent qualities that make them worth using, including being a good grounding stone and they have a number of healing attributes.

Their metaphysical properties may help those of you who have an interest in conservation, and would like to accentuate that vibration in your life.

By keeping some of these stones in your environment, this may also benefit the life of those who are close to you, as the energy of the fairy stones may help to create a connection to the natural world, in those who feel its resonance.

airy stones have a lovely soothing energy that will help you to feel calm and centered within your physical body, and bring improved emotional health.

They are strong stones to aid spiritual grounding, and this grounding to Mother Gaia also aids you to make a stronger connection with beings in the natural world, such as the devic realm, the world of the fairies and with the spirits of animals and plants.

Staurolite Also Called Fairy Crosses
The history of these stones tells about how they will aid you to make contact with fairies and nature spirits, and this has become so well known through time, that they gained the name fairy crosses.

This because this was how they were predominantly used in the distant past. They are known to be used as an amulet for good luck, and are also used by practitioners of white magic.

Bronzite Healing Properties

Bronzite polished gemstone beads♥ Courtesy ♥ Protection

Bronzite is a variety of Enstatite. It is known to be a common part of meteorites.

Chakras - Base Chakra, Sacral Chakra
Zodiac - Leo
Planet - Venus
Element - Earth
Typical colors - Bronze

Bronzite is used for protection, as it not only repels, but also sends back the negative energies to the sender. Spiritually, Bronzite assists us in achieving a state of certainty without willfulness, allowing us to easily adapt to the best path to take. It clears confusion, helping our ability to make decisions and choices about our life path. Bronzite is a “stone of courtesy”, especially helpful to people who greet and assist the public. It will even instill a polite nature in those around you. Emotionally, Bronzite promotes a loving and unprejudiced discernment within us. It provides the ability to resolve unsettled emotions in our life. Mentally, Bronzite provides us with the courage to act on our thoughts and feelings. It instills the courage to follow through with life path decisions.

Physically, Bronzite can be used to bring an alkaline body state to the acid condition, helping to fight off infections. It can increase the assimilation of iron and provides an improved duration of iron within the physical body. It aids the body in the normal transformation of cycles.
It is a crystal which assists the body in releasing acidity and bring the body to the alkaline stage.